Prepare or Prevent

Top-notch insurance & training.

5 Holiday Road Trip Safety Tips

An estimated 99 million Americans travel during the holidays with over 38 million of those traveling by car. The traffic alone can cause some serious stress, not to mention winter storms, construction, wildlife, and distractions from inside the car. With all these risks, it’s no surprise that a 2 hour car trip could end up […]

When to File a Homeowners Insurance Claim

Your dishwasher floods and ruins your beautiful wooden floors. A tree falls on your fence and knocks it down. A hailstorm dents your roof and smashes in your skylight. Most of us would think to simply file a claim with our homeowners insurance and they will take care of it. Unfortunately filing a claim to […]

7 Fall Home Maintenance Tips to Make Your Home Winter-Ready!

Today is the first day of Fall, which means cooler weather is on its way.  As a homeowner, it’s time to consider how to prepare your home for the winter months ahead. One of the best ways to save money is to take preventative measures by making sure your home is in tip top shape. […]

How To Get The Best Insurance Rates

It’s all who AND what you know… Many people think by going straight to the insurance companies they can ‘cut out the middleman’. The parallel may be true with car sales where you pay a sticker price for a physical good that needs to be sold before it depreciates, but that’s not the way insurance […]