What Is Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance?
Did you know that 1 out of 7 drivers in the United States are currently uninsured? This leaves you, a responsible auto insurance-carrying citizen, in jeopardy. Unfortunately, if you are injured or your car is damaged in an auto accident with an uninsured motorist (a driver who does not have auto insurance), you will not […]
When to File a Homeowners Insurance Claim
Your dishwasher floods and ruins your beautiful wooden floors. A tree falls on your fence and knocks it down. A hailstorm dents your roof and smashes in your skylight. Most of us would think to simply file a claim with our homeowners insurance and they will take care of it. Unfortunately filing a claim to […]
Take a Break Labor Day and Let Your Insurance do the Work
Our country was founded by hard working men and women who gave their blood, sweat, and tears so that we can enjoy the American Dream. And it’s because of people like them that the American Dream lives on. That’s why JR Carnahan’s goal is to serve everyone with excellence. Our goal is to go above […]
Do You Have the Right Business Insurance?
As a business owner, you’ve invested your all to make sure things go successfully for your employees and customers. From hiring to quality control to customer service, it’s a lot to manage! Owning a business involves great risk. And where there is risk, it’s always best to be prepared with an insurance policy that covers […]
Advantages to Hiring an Insurance Broker Over Buying Direct
In the age of online shopping, people want fast, easy, and convenient, even when it comes to their insurance policies. Most people are now purchasing their insurance coverage online, directly from the insurance company, versus going through an insurance agent or broker. But there are still advantages to hiring an individual insurance agent over buying […]