Are you missing out on discounts or benefits on your auto insurance policy?
These days, most people are taking advantage of the ease of online purchasing and have purchased their insurance policies online. Although it’s easy, quick, and convenient, there are downsides to purchasing through a computer program instead of a real person.
When you are searching for auto, health, or any other type of insurance, schedule a meeting or phone call with an agent so you can understand all the discounts, options, and benefits available.
To make the most of your time with the agent, here are 4 important questions to ask:
1. Is the auto coverage amount right for me?
A good insurance agent will consider many variables when it comes to your coverage amount. For example, if you have a new job, home, significant savings, etc. your agent might want to lower your deductible or increase liability. It just depends on your specific situation to determine what cover is best for you.
2. Can I drop any coverages on my auto insurance?
Again, depending on your particular situation, an agent might suggest you drop coverages that are not financially beneficial. Agood example is if your car is 5-6 years or older you may be paying too much on comprehensive and collision coverage.
3. Am I getting all available discounts on my auto insurance?
Did you know that you can get insurance discounts if you’ve had significant life events or upgrades to your vehicle? There are many discounts to take advantage of, but insurance companies typically do not promote these online. Working with an insurance agent is a huge advantage when it comes to discovering hidden discounts.
4. What are my payment options?
There are definitely savings available by exploring your payment options. Usually, if you can pay in full or even a few larger payments throughout the year you might be able to save in the long run.
If you are looking to save money on your car insurance, talking with an insurance agent is definitely advantageous.
It’s true that you can purchase auto insurance online from the comfort of your own home, but even checking in with an agent once a year can end up providing better coverage at a lower rate.
Not sure where to start or who to trust? JR Carnahan has been an insurance broker in San Antonio since 2003. Because he has his own family, home, and business, he knows how important it is for his clients to find cost-effective and extensive insurance coverage. Let us serve you by finding the best insurance for your situation!