Homeowners insurance can be expensive.
But if you’ve ever experienced any kind of disaster or damage to your home, then you know the importance of carrying homeowners insurance. Even a small repair can significantly affect your bank account.
As one of your biggest investments, it’s necessary to protect your home and be prepared for the possible risks.
So where does a person start when looking for a homeowner’s insurance policy?
Here are 4 tips for buying homeowner’s insurance:
Know Your Home’s Value
Before you choose a policy, it’s important to establish your home’s replacement cost. This would include any item of your home that is at risk for theft, windstorm, fire, or other liabilities. Note that the land underneath your home should not be included in rebuilding costs.
Shop Around for Homeowner’s Insurance
Anytime you are looking for insurance, make sure to shop around, not only for the best price, but also the best value. Compare coverage, price, and customer reviews and be sure you get the right type and amount of coverage specific to your home. Considering that you will mostly be in contact with the insurance company during times of crisis, research their customer service, claims service, and financial stability to get a good idea of how you will be treated. Online customer reviews are always a good way to discover the truth about a company.
Bundle Your Insurance Policies
Some companies that sell homeowners insurance also sell auto and liability coverage and could potentially take a percentage off your premium if you buy multiple policies from them. Just make sure that purchasing a bundle is actually cheaper and a better value than buying separately.
Make Your Home More Disaster Resistant
Investing in a few home improvements can greatly reduce your risk of having to use your homeowners insurance, and can lower the premium. You may be able to save on your premium by making enhancements to your windows, siding, roof, burglar alarm system, and fire alarm system. Not every improvement or alarm system qualifies for a discount, so talk with your insurance agent before moving forward with renovations.
While it’s possible to locate a good homeowner’s policy by doing your own research, it’s always a good idea to let an expert do it for you. Insurance agents know all the options and discounts available and if you find one that is trustworthy they can end up saving you a lot of money.
Are you looking for Homeowner’s Insurance?
If you’re looking for a homeowner’s insurance policy and need some guidance, just contact us for a complimentary quote and to discuss your particular needs.